Photography is an industry that a lot of people practice as a profession or as a hobby. It is very amazing because people can freeze a point of time in a photo that will last forever. You can play with the perspectives, lighting, angles, and all sorts of aspects that will create visual effects.
Even though equipment and the gear that is being used in photography are expensive if you really have a will you definitely will find a way. This story that we bring to you is about a photographer who shines brightly without a set of very expensive gear or a studio. Meet Ibor Edosa Victor, he is a Nigerian photographer whose work is now loved by a lot of people all around the world. He offers us a tour to let us watch how he creates his amazing photos. His work mostly swirls towards the fantasy genre. So, it is very interesting to have a peek at what it takes to create these amazing photos. Scroll down to check out these finished Vs behind the scenes photos of this talented photographer.



He has not started out with the ambition of being a professional photographer. But as he created ‘magic’ with his low-budget gear, he fell in love with this work. Now he caters to a massive audience on the internet, and they just love these magical photos of Ibor.
Keep scrolling down to check out more of his work and let us know what you think about this work in the comments section below.













